Yoeri Bemelmans

Chapter 7 106 Table 1. Continued. Author Year Type of arthroplasty Country Setting Design of study Kim et al. 27 2018 THA USA Tertiary care hospital Retrospective cohort study Kimball et al. 28 2019 TKA USA THAMCR database Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts) Kolisek et al. 48 2009 TKA USA Secondary care hospital Prospective observational study (matched cohorts) Kort et al. 29 2017 UKA NL Secondary care hospital Prospective observational study Lovald et al. 49 2014 TKA USA Medicare database (1997-2009) Retrospective observational study Lovecchio et al. 50 2016 THA and TKA USA ACS-NSQIP database (2011- 2013) Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts) Malahias et al. 51 2019 THA USA HS-PDPR database (2007-2017) Retrospective cohort study Moore et al. 30 2019 TKA USA Secondary and tertiary care hospitals Retrospective observational study Nelson et al. 31 2017 THA USA ACS-NSQIP database (2005- 2014) Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts) Nowak et al. 32 2019 TKA CA ACS-NSQIP database (2005- 2016) Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts) Otero et al. 33 2016 THA, TKA and UKA USA ACS-NSQIP database (2011- 2013) Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts) Richards et al. 34 2018 THA CA Secondary and tertiary care hospital Retrospective observational study (matched cohorts)