Yoeri Bemelmans
Safety and efficacy of outpatient hip and knee arthroplasty 109 7 Definition of outpatient Allocation based on definition In- patient (n) Out- patient (n) Baseline characteristics presented Outcomes used for review SDD (to home) OS 10 12 Age, gender, BMI, ASA SDD success rate, (S)AE’s, readmissions, costs Not specified in methods and materials SOS 50 50 Type of anaesthesia SDD success rate, (S)AE’s, readmissions, costs SDD (to home) OS 267 94 Age, gender, BMI, ASA SDD success rate, PROMs SDD (to home) OS 10 10 Age, gender, BMI, ASA SDD success rate, PROMs SDD (to home) OS 106 137 Age, gender, BMI SDD success rate, (S)AE’s, readmissions, PROMs SDD SOS 1,315 164 Age, gender, BMI SDD success rate, readmissions Program; THAMCR, Truven Health Analytics Marketscan Commercial Research; LOS, length of stay; hr(s), hours; SOS, semi outpatient surgery; OS, outpatient surgery; BMI, body-mass index; ASA, american society of anesthesiologists score; NA, not applicable; (s)AE’s, (serious) adverse events; SDD, same day discharge. Readmission rates No statistically significant differences (by types of arthroplasty) were found for readmission rates in both outpatient pathways (OS and SOS) compared to inpatient pathways (Fig. 7). The follow-up period ranged from 4 weeks to 1 year. SDD success rate Success rates of SDD following an OJA pathway was presented in 14 studies [5, 6, 20, 22,23,24,25, 27, 29, 34,35,36,37,38]. Overall, we found that 941 of 1.077 outpatients of the OS studies (average success rate of 92%, ranging from 61 to 100%) were successfully discharged on the day of surgery. TKAs and UKAs had an average SDD success rate of 95%, whereas 86% of THAs were successfully discharged on the day of surgery.
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