Yoeri Bemelmans

Patient information in knee arthroplasty 23 2 Interviews Semi-structured interviews were conducted by two researchers, one functioning as conversation partner and the other as subscribe. The interviews were audio recorded. A semi-structured topic list was used (table 2). Patients had the opportunity to give and explain their opinion on each topic. Summarization was used during the interviews to determine accuracy and correctly interpreted data. Subsequently, idea’s on and need for other information sources were evaluated. Table 2. Semi-structured interview topic list. Topic Subtopic Explanation of the interview ● Purpose of the interview ● Practical considerations Design of brochure ● First impression ● Size ● Formal requirements (font size, style) ● Titles ● Colour ● Figures / pictures / tables Structure of the brochure ● Table of contents ● Chapter structure ● Order of subjects ● Clarity Content of the brochure ● Importance of information ● Description of the content ● Completeness of the information ● Depth of the topics ● Adequacy Usage of the brochure ● Frequency ● Other users Need for usage of other information sources ● Video material ● Website ● Applications ● Additional figures / pictures Other ● Patients’ input ● Questions Data-analysis Demographic data of the participants were collected. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was performed with use of inductive content analysis. The answers were collected and coded according to the topics. To state the codes, the most extensive interviews were coded first. If no new information emerges during the