Yoeri Bemelmans

Tranexamic acid in hip and knee arthroplasty 37 3 Table 1. Demographic data for non-transfused and transfused patients are presented asmean (SD) with 95% confidence interval [CI] or frequencies (%). A p-value of ≤0.05 was considered to be statistically significant different. Non-transfused (n=5.156) Transfused (n=49) p-value Patient demographics Gender, female 3140 (60.9) 39 (79.6) 0.008 Side of surgery, right 2779 (53.9) 24 (49.0) 0.492 Age a 69.0 (9.3) [68.8-69.3] 76.3 (10.2) [73.4-79.2] 0.000 BMI b 28.9 (5.0) [28.7-29.0] 26.1 (4.8) [24.7-27.5] 0.000 ASA classification, I/II/III/IV 788/3918/444/6 0/38/10/1 0.000 Anesthesia, spinal/general 3743/1413 36/13 0.891 THA/TKA/UKA 2206/2523/412 33/16/0 0.001 Duration of surgery c , THA 0:59 (0:16) [0:58-0:59] 1:02 (0:19) [0:56-1:09] 0.028 Duration of surgery c , TKA 1:04 (0:16) [1:03-1:05] 1:10 (0:25) [0:56-1:24] 0.133 PSI usage in knee arthroplasty 1481 (58.7) 7 (43.8) 0.221 THA uncemented/cemented/ hybrid/reversed hybrid 1860/154/143/38 19/11/2/1 0.000 Blood loss d , THA 362.3 (171.7) [354.4-370.2] 421.7 (263.2) [307.9-535.6] 0.024 Blood loss d , TKA 261.5 (119.1) [256.1-266.8] 323.1 (123.5) [248.4-397.7] 0.262 Pre-OR Hb level e , THA 8.7 (0.8) [8.6-8.7] 7.2 (1.1) [6.8-7.6] 0.000 Post-OR Hb level e , THA 7.3 (0.9) [7.2-7.3] 5.7 (0.7) [5.4-6.0] 0.000 Pre-OR Hb level e , TKA 8.7 (0.8) [8.7-8.8] 7.3 (1.2) [6.6-7.9] 0.000 Post-OR Hb level e , TKA 7.4 (0.8) [7.4-7.5] 5.5 (0.7) [5.1-5.8] 0.000 Delta Hb level e , THA 1.4 (0.6) [1.3-1.4] 1.5 (0.8) [1.3-1.8] 0.873 Delta Hb level e , TKA 1.3 (0.6) [1.2-1.3] 1.8 (1.2) [1.2-2.4] 0.000 Length of stay f 2.5 (2.0) [2.5-2.6] 5.4 (4.1) [4.3-6.6] 0.000 THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty; UKA, unicompartimental knee arthroplasty; ASA, American Society of Anaesthesiologists; PSI, Patient Specific Instruments; a presented in years; b BMI: body-mass index is presented in kg/m 2 ; c presented inminutes; d presented inmL; e Hb, hemoglobin levels were presented in mmol/L; f presented in days