Yoeri Bemelmans

Table of contents Chapter 1 General introduction. 9 Part 1: Clinical pathway optimisation Chapter 2 Patients’ experiences of an information brochure in knee arthroplasty. A brief qualitative study. 19 Chapter 3 Low blood transfusion rate after implementation of tranexamic acid for fast-track hip and knee arthroplasty. 31 Chapter 4 No advantage of adrenaline in the local infiltration analgesia mixture during total knee arthroplasty. 45 Chapter 5 Low incidence of postoperative urinary retention with the use of a nurse-led bladder scan protocol after hip and knee arthroplasty: a retrospective cohort study. 59 Part 2: Outpatient joint arthroplasty Chapter 6 Outpatient surgery for unicompartimental knee arthroplasty is effective and safe. 75 Chapter 7 Safety and efficacy of outpatient hip and knee arthroplasty. A systematic review with meta-analysis. 93 Chapter 8 Patient selection criteria for outpatient joint arthroplasty. 123 Chapter 9 Physical activity after outpatient surgery and enhanced recovery for total knee arthroplasty. 139 Chapter 10 Improved health-related quality of life after knee arthroplasty following an outpatient surgery pathway: an observational comparative case study. 153 Chapter 11 General discussion and valorization. 163 Chapter 12 Summary, Nederlandse samenvatting. 175 Appendix Dankwoord 189 Curriculum Vitae 195 List of publications. 199