Crystal Smit

Chapter 5 106 Note. These are screenshots of the short videos about the benefits of drinking water which the influence agents were able to spread among their peers. The first screenshot is from a scene where a child talks about the environmental benefit of drinking water. In this scene, the child explained that if more people drink water, less plastic is made in the factories because you can drink water from the tap. This allows less plastic to end up in the plastic soup in the North Pacific Ocean. The short videos also included other benefits of drinking water, including that water contains no sugar and has zero calories. All these benefits correspond to the ones discussed in the presentation during the training and were suggested by the children themselves. General Experiences with the Training The influence agents’ enjoyment of the training was assessed using a 4-point scale ranging from1 = ‘no, not at all’ to 4 = ‘yes, a lot’, adapted from the level of enjoyment measure reported by Sebire et al. (2019), and with open-ended responses about which parts of the training they enjoyed the most and least. Their experiences with the duration of the training were assessed using a 5-point scale ranging from 1 = ‘too short’ to 5 = ‘too long’. The extent to which the influence agents’ perceived autonomy support during the training was assessed using the short form (six- items; see Table 5.1) of the Learning Climate Questionnaire (Black & Deci, 2000), with response options ranging from 1 = ‘no, not at all’ to 4 = ‘yes, a lot’.