Crystal Smit

Evaluation of the Motivation Process 5 111 Table 5.1 Quantitative evaluation measures of the influence agents and their peers at T1 and/or T2 Measure name Item(s) Response options Data sample Time point Enjoyment of the training Did you like the training related to drinking water? No, not at all No, not really Yes, a little bit Yes, a lot Influence agents T2 Duration of the training What did you think of the duration of the training related to drinking water? Too short Short Neither too short nor too long Long Too long Influence agents T2 Perceived autonomy support I had the feeling that the researcher gave me choices. I felt understood by the researcher. The researcher showed that she had confidence in me to stimulate water drinking. The researcher encouraged me to ask questions. The researchers listened to how I wanted to stimulate water drinking. The researcher tried to understand my ideas before she herself came up with other ideas. No, not at all No, not really Yes, a little bit Yes, a lot Influence agents T2 Intrinsic motivation I drink water because… … I like it … I enjoy it … I think it is pleasant No, certainly not No, I do not think so No, possibly not Yes, possibly Yes, I think so Yes, certainly Influence agents and peers T1 and T2 Water consumption How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Zero glasses per day One glass per day Two glasses per day Three glasses per day Four glasses per day Five glasses per day Six glasses per day Seven or more glasses per day Influence agents T1 and T2