Crystal Smit

Chapter 5 112 SSB consumption How many glasses of sweetened fruit juice did you drink yesterday? How many glasses of lemonade made of sugar syrup and water did you drink yesterday? How many glasses of soda did you drink yesterday? How many glasses of energy drink did you drink yesterday? How many glasses of sport drink did you drink yesterday? Zero glasses per day One glass per day Two glasses per day Three glasses per day Four glasses per day Five glasses per day Six glasses per day Seven or more glasses per day Influence agents T1 and T2 Perceived social support How often do your peers... … complement you on drinking water? … participate in drinking water with you? … remind you to drink water? … offer to drink water with you? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always Peers T1 and T2 Descriptive norms How often do your classmates drink water? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always Peers T1 and T2 Injunctive norms Do you experience that your classmates think you should drink water? No, certainly not No, I do not think so No, possibly not Yes, possibly Yes, I think so Yes, certainly Peers T1 and T2 Water-promoting strategies How often did you drink water when your classmates were with you? How often did you talk with your classmates about drinking water at school or home? How often did you talk with your classmates about drinking water on the social media platform ( Social Buzz )? How often did you send videos about water drinking to your classmates on the social media platform ( Social Buzz )? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always Influence agents T2 Note. T1 = baseline; T2 = immediately after the start of the intervention.