Crystal Smit

Evaluation of the Motivation Process 5 117 “Can I fill your cup with water?” Girl, 11 years old “We made it into a challenge, and then we noticed that many children started bringing water to school to put on their table in class.” Girl, 10 years old “Said to them [their peers], you have to take a bottle to school on Wednesday.” Boy, 11 years old “I promised awesome rewards when they [their peers] would drink more water.” Girl, 10 years old The open-ended responses of the influence agents suggested that the training had succeeded in providing some of them with the skills to promote water drinking among their peers. These influence agents namely indicated that they experienced that motivating their peers had gone well and that their peers reacted positively: “Went well, [name] immediately drank from my bottle of water.” Girl, 11 years old “They said yes, I am going to do it [drink water].” Boy, 11 years old