Crystal Smit

Chapter 6 136 Turner-McGrievy, & Moore, 2014), flow meters attached to the water fountains of the schools (Muckelbauer et al., 2009), or 24-hour urine collection (Armstrong, Johnson, McKenzie, & Muñoz, 2013). Generalizability Another limitation of this dissertation is the generalizability of the findings. The MyMovez research program aimed to recruit a diverse and representative sample of participants. However, the demographics in Chapters 3 and 5 showed that the majority of the children were of normal weight and came from high- income families, while children from low-income families are more likely to be overweight (CBS, 2016) and drink less water (Vieux et al., 2017). This sampling bias may have had an effect on the findings in this dissertation. It is conceivable that the intervention tried to make relatively healthy children healthier. Future research should aim at obtaining a more diverse sample involving more children from low-income families. One way that future research could increase parental consent among low-income families is to make the project information more comprehensible and accessible to these parents. For example, researchers could create a short informational video about the study. Furthermore, the content of the Share H 2 O intervention was developed and tested among primary school children. It is conceivable that the current content of the intervention would have a different effect on secondary school students, as it may not match their knowledge and interests. During the transition from primary to secondary school—an important and impactful event for many—young adolescents are faced with the formation of a new “world” for themselves, with major changes in the individual and social context (Brown & Larson, 2009; Evans, Borriello, & Field, 2018). Therefore, the Share H 2 O intervention should be adapted to the corresponding age group. The current content was developed and refined through input from primary school children; however, this can be done even more thoroughly in future research through co-creation with the target group. In this approach, children and adolescents are involved throughout the development of the intervention content, taking into account their vision and responding to their