Crystal Smit

Chapter 3 58 r = .10, p = .039) and vegetable consumption (T3 like: r = 11, p = .020; enjoy: r = .11, p = .014; pleasant: r = .10, p = .029). Neither fruit consumption nor vegetable consumption was associated with the Injunctive Norms of friends. Regarding the model items involving water consumption, findings show that participants’ Intention to drink more water was consistently associated with their Attitude (pleasant: r = .22, p < .001; tasteful: r = .24, p < .001) and Self-Efficacy toward water consumption (succeed: r = .42, p < .001; easy: r = .33, p < .001), Descriptive and Injunctive Norms of parents ( r = .20, p < .001; r = .22, p < .001, respectively) and friends ( r = .19, p < .001; r = .25, p < .001, respectively). Participants’ water consumption was also consistently associated with Intrinsic Motivation to drink water (T3 like: r = 17, p < .001; enjoy: r = .18, p < .001; want: r = .19, p < .001; pleasant: r = .23, p < .001; T4 like: r = 17, p < .001; enjoy: r = .17, p < .001; want: r = .17, p < .001; pleasant: r = .22, p < .001) and Descriptive Norms of parents (T3: r = .13, p = .003; T4: r = .22, p < .001). Water consumption was less consistently associated with the Descriptive Norms of friends (T4: r = .17, p = .001) and Injunctive Norms of parents (T4: r = .14, p = .009). Participants’ water consumption was not associated with Intentions to drink more water or the Injunctive Norm of friends. Model Findings Fruit and Vegetable Consumption The model investigating fruit and vegetable Consumption (see Figure 3.1) showed a good fit to the observed data, χ 2 (249) = 489.75, CFI = .94, and RMSEA = .03. Factor loadings of the latent constructs (Attitude, Self-Efficacy, Intrinsic Motivation, and Behavior) ranged from λ = .41 to λ = .91, p < .001. Table 3.2 presents all regression paths estimated in the model examining fruit and vegetable consumption. Self- Efficacy and Injunctive Norms of friends at T1 were the only statistically significant predictorsof change inparticipants’ Intentions toeatmore fruit andvegetables from T1 to T2. The only statistically significant predictor of change in fruit and vegetable consumption was Intrinsic Motivation. Higher levels of Intrinsic Motivation to eat fruit and vegetables at T1 predicted increases in fruit and vegetable consumption from T2 to T3, but not from T3 to T4.