Marianne Welmers

Alliance Discrepancies 101 CHAPTER 4 Client (T2) Mean (SD, n) Therapist (T2) Observer (T2) 9.275 (3.796, 40) 8.223 (2.669, 41) 7.317 (2.461, 41) 8.180 (3.428, 14) 7.012 (2.983, 22) 6.250 (2.887, 16) 7.931 (4.772, 10) 4.406 (4.406, 34) 6.944 (6.588, 9) Table 3 Results of multilevel regression analyses of alliances with family member as moderating variable Moderator variable b 0 t 0 b 1 t 1 X 2 Family member Alliance T1 32.755 *** youth (RC, intercept) 4.972 10.235 *** father 1.250 1.903 + mother 2.923 5.508*** Alliance T1 32.398*** mother (RC, intercept) 7.899 24.112*** father -1.686 -3.088** youth -2.921 -5.528*** Alliance T2 22.293*** youth (RC, intercept) 5.873 10.958*** father 1.760 2.842** mother 2.400 4.710*** Alliance T2 21.525*** mother (RC, intercept) 8.273 20.566*** father -0.643 -1.234 youth -2.403 -4.742*** Note. T1 = starting phase of treatment, X 2 (2, N = 299); T2 = active change phase of treatment, X 2 (2, N = 227); RC = reference category. + p ≤ .10. * p ≤ .05. ** p ≤ .01. *** p ≤ .001.