Marianne Welmers

Chapter 5 120 Table 2 Descriptives for alliance scores Informant T1 Therapist 1 Mean ( SD , n) Self 1 Mean (SD, n) Observer 2 Mean (SD, n) Family Member Mother 4.078 (.429, 29) 4.300 (.360, 30 ) 1.733 (.504, 30) Father 3.745 (.518, 14) 4.190 (.268, 12) 1.308 (.435, 13) Youth 3.555 (.449, 14) 3.845 (.742, 8) 1.222 (.618, 9) Difference .288 (.365, 22) .476 (.485, 19) .595 (.539, 21) SSP - - .86 (1.108, 21) Note. Difference = alliance difference scores, SSP = Shared Sense of Purpose within the family, T1: alliance measured early treatment, T2: alliance measured mid-treatment (2 months after T1). Table 3 Pearson’s r zero order correlations between individual alliances and youth behavior problems at follow-up T1: n Internalizing Problems Externalizing Problems Total Problems Mother (t) 29 .109 .092 .143 Mother (s) 30 .063 .031 -.061 Mother (o) 30 .077 .072 .066 Father (t) 15 .076 -.283 -.081 Father (s) 14 .111 -.031 -.043 Father (o) 15 .588* 1 .283 .490* 2 Youth (t) 13 .155 -.109 .142 Youth (s) 8 -.207 -.609 -.455 Youth (o) 9 .512 + .603* 3 .626* 4 Note. t = therapist-report, s = self-report, o = observer-report, Diff = alliance difference scores, SSP = Shared Sense of Purpose within the Family, T1: alliance measured early treatment, T2: alliance measured mid-treatment (2 months after T1). 1 In a post-hoc non-parametric test the correlation remained significant: r = .502, p = .040