Marianne Welmers

A Systemic Perspective on Alliances and their Relation to Outcome 121 CHAPTER 5 T2 Therapist 1 Mean (SD, n) Self 1 Mean (SD, n) Observer 2 Mean (SD, n) 4.145 (.326, 27) 4.340 (.431, 26) 1.404 (.469, 26) 4.017 (.426, 16) 4.292 (.290, 9) 1.100 (.394, 10) 3.635 (.600, 16) 4.000 (.709, 5) 1.500 (1.354, 4) .367 (.419, 24) .391 (.414, 12) .615 (.712, 13) - - 1.150 (1.214, 13) 1 Clients’ selfreports, and therapist-reports aremeasured on a 5 point Likert scale (1-5). 2 Observer reports are measured on a 7 point Likert scale (-3 - +3) T2: n Internalizing Problems Externalizing Problems Total Problems 27 .028 .015 .032 26 .099 .121 .053 26 .218 .208 .243 16 .373 + .148 .250 9 .550 + .119 .394 10 .113 -.053 -.044 16 .217 -.080 .098 5 -.483 -.738 + -.894* 5 4 -.580 -.336 -.669 2 In post-hoc non-parametric test the correlation remained significant: r = .590, p = .017. 3 In a post-hoc non-parametric test the correlation was not significant: r = .386, p = .152 4 In a post- hoc non-parametric test the correlation was trend significant: r = .580 p = .051 5 In a post-hoc non-parametric test the correlation remained significant: r = -.379 p = .045 5 In a post-hoc non- parametric test the correlation remained significant ( r = -.900, p = .019)