Marianne Welmers

Alliance and Treatment Outcome 33 CHAPTER 2 TA timing TA Rater Outcome domain Outcome timing Outcome rater N families N individuals **** N ES ***** Imp, E, M, L P YS EOT, FU P 848 774 18 E, L O R, YS EOT, DT OM 41 36 18 E, L O R, YS EOT, DT OM 31 E, L Y R, YS EOT O 56 56 17 E, L P R, YS EOT O 40 E O R EOT OM 30 n.r. 1 E O R EOT OM 31 23 14 E O R EOT OM 23 E O R EOT OM n.r. E O R EOT OM n.r. E O R EOT OM 34 29 13 E O R EOT OM 29 E O R EOT OM n.r. E O R EOT OM n.r. E, M, L O R, YS EOT OM 86 45 4 E, M, L O R EOT OM 34 E, M, L O R EOT OM, Y 68 E Y, O YS, R EOT, FT Y, OM 91 59 23 E O R EOT OM 65 E O R EOT, FU OM 110 M,L Y YS EOT Y 40 40 4 P=Parent; Y+P= averagedor added scores of youth andparent; F =within family; S=Split: difference scores (youth and parent scores subtracted); T = Therapist; O = Observer; CP-TAF = Compliance- collaborationoscale for TherapeutischeAmbulanteFamilienbetreung; TS=Therapist Scale; VTAS(-R) = Vanderbilt Therapeutic Alliance Scale (– Revised); SOFTA (-O/S) = System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances (- Observer / Selfreport); WAI(-S / O) = Working Alliance Inventory (– Short Form / Observer version); TASC = Therapeutic Alliance Scale for Children; FTAS = Family Therapy Alliance Scale; HAQ = Helping Alliance Questionnaire;; TAS = Therapeutic Alliance Scale; RRS = Relationship Rating Scale; HRQ = Helping Relationship Questionnaire; E = Early treatment; M = Midtreatment; L = Late treatment; A = multiple moments Averaged or Added; Imp = Improvement (alliance change scores); YS = Youth Symptom Severity or Functioning; PF = Parental or Family Functioning; R = Retention; GT = Goal Attainment or Therapeutic Progress; EOT = End of Treatment; FU = Follow Up; DT = During Treatment; OM = Objectified Measure; n. r. = Not Reported.