Marianne Welmers

Alliance and Treatment Outcome 39 CHAPTER 2 Alliance characteristics. Alliance timing showed a significant moderating effect, with higher correlations when several moments of measurement were averaged or added than for early, midtreatment or late treatment measurement alone. There were no significant moderator effects for type of alliance, alliance rater (informant), alliance construct or alliance measures specifically developed for family therapy. Treatment characteristics. Treatment model just failed to reach significance, showing a trend indicating a larger effect for alliance in the context of Family Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy compared to alliance in the context of other treatment models. There were no significant moderating effects for treatment setting. Outcome characteristics. There were no significant moderating effects for outcome domain, outcome rater or outcome timing. Sample characteristics. A significant moderating effect was found for referral source, indicating a larger effect for help-seeking clients compared to other populations. Furthermore, a significant moderating effect was found for average age of youth in the sample, indicating that for younger children the correlations between alliance and outcome were higher. There were no significant moderating effects for percentage of male youth, male adults, non-caucasian clients and non-caucasian therapists. Also, there was no significant moderating effect for problem type. Study Quality just failed to reach a significant moderating effect. Moderator analyses on split alliance and outcome correlation Results of themoderator analyses on the association between split alliance and outcome are depicted in Table 5. Categorical variables with only one category represented in the total sample and continuous variables with data on less than one third of effect sizes in the total sample were excluded from analyses. Amoderatingeffectwas found for studyquality, indicating that higher correlationsbetween split alliance and outcome were found within studies with lower study quality. Problem type also showed a significant moderating effect, with higher correlations between split alliance and outcome for populations withmixed problem types compared to populations dealing with drug abuse or eating disorders. No moderating effects were found for other sample characteristics or for treatment, alliance or outcome characteristics.