Marianne Welmers

Chapter 2 40 Table 3 Results for the overall mean effect sizes based on three-level mixed effects models Type of Effect Size r # Studies a # ES Mean r (SE) 95% CI Level of alliance - outcome 1 20 329 .183 (0.044) .100, .265 Split alliance - outcome 2 5 17 .106 (0.109) -.124, .327 Alliance change scores - outcome 3 3 15 .281 (0.145) -.023, .538 Note . ES = effect size; CI = confidence interval; σ 2 level2 = variance between effect sizes (within studies); σ 2 level3 = variance between effect sizes (between studies); Table 4 Results of Moderator Analyses based on Three-level Mixed Effects Models for Level of Alliance and Treatment Outcome Moderator # Studies a # ES Mean r (SE) Study Quality 20 329 .421 (.160)** Sample Characteristics Problem type general 20 329 youth problems 16 278 .154 (.048)** mixed youth parent/family problems 4 51 .299 (.096)** Problem type 20 329 drug abuse youth 3 77 .112 (.093) eating disorders youth 4 116 .206 (.086)* internalizing problems youth 1 14 .444 (.156)** externalizing problems youth 1 15 -.004 (.172) multi-problem families 2 34 .118 (.125) mixed 5 73 .203 (.077)** Average age youth 18 313 .794 (.286)*** % Male youth 18 298 .424 (.084)** % Male adult 11 105 .140 (.049)** % Non-caucasian 17 238 .199 (.059)*** % Non-caucasian therapists 7 110 .193 (.081)* Referral source 18 317 recruited for study 3 44 .264 (.100)** help-seeking 9 154 .277 (.061)*** mandated 1 24 .116 (.160) mixed mandated / help-seeking 5 95 .011 (.075)