Marianne Welmers

Chapter 2 44 Table 4 Continued Moderator # Studies a # ES Mean r (SE) Alliance timing 20 329 early treatment 15 204 .153 (.047)** midtreatment 6 35 .205 (.069)** late treatment 7 56 .208 (.067)* averaged or added 4 34 .326 (.079)*** Outcome characteristics Outcome domain 20 329 youth symptom severity or functioning 15 222 .167 (.045)*** parental or family functioning 1 6 0.020 (.150) retention 9 69 .141 (.055)* goal attainment, therapeutic progress 4 32 .323 (.089)*** Outcome rater 20 329 youth 11 111 .163 (.054)** parent 9 77 .235 (.057)*** therapist 3 14 .176 (.103) observer 2 10 .175 (.112) objectified measure 7 89 .132 (.062)* youth and parent combined 4 27 .167 (.084)* youth and data combined 1 1 .567 (.298)* Outcome timing 20 329 end of treatment 18 257 .189 (.046)*** follow-up 3 42 .165 (.067)* during treatment 3 30 .168 (.069) Note . ES = effect size; CI = confidence interval; σ 2 level2 = variance between effect sizes (within studies); σ 2 level3 = variance between effect sizes (between studies); a. The number of studies reflects the number of independent samples. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.