Harmen Beurmanjer

147 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Harmen Beurmanjer was born on January 10 1986 in Wageningen, the Netherlands. He studied Psychology at the Radboud University Nijmegen. During his studies he worked as a data assistant for the addiction care centre IrisZorg, focusing on a project that studied treatment perspective for patients with chronic substance use disorders. This experience motivated him to choose the specialisation of Clinical Psychology. In 2010 Harmen graduated from the Radboud University Nijmegen with a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. After his graduation he reapplied to work at IrisZorg, this time in the role of researcher and advisor. In his new position he focused on mapping substance use and the need for treatment in the province of Gelderland. During this time, he also joined the Nijmegen Institute for Scientist-Practitioners in Addiction (NISPA). In 2013 Harmen was invited by the NISPA to join a grant application for a new project aimed at improving withdrawal management for patients with a GHB use disorder. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) awarded the grant in 2014 for the project ‘GHB 2.0’, Harmen was then appointed as project coordinator. In the same year he started a new job at the addiction care centre Novadic-Kentron, where he continued his research on GHB use disorders. In 2015 he was awarded a stipend to start working on his PhD. Since then, Harmen has also been a member of the internal GHB expert council and the scientific committee of Novadic-Kentron. In addition, he regularly acted as a spokesperson in the media on behalf of his institution. In the same period, he was appointed as senior lecturer ‘Addiction’ at both the Radboud Centre Social Sciences in Nijmegen and Rino Zuid in Eindhoven for the post-academic training programs for Mental Health (GZ) psychologists. After finishing his PhD Harmen continues to work at the main clinical facility of Novadic-Kentron in Vught, where he will mainly focus on acquiring the quality mark of “TOPGGz” for his department. Besides GHB use disorders his research will expand to further development of treatment approaches for patients with chronic pain and substance use disorders. Harmen will continue to combine his research and clinical work with the teaching and training of various healthcare workers in the field of substance use disorders.