Harmen Beurmanjer

152 Supplements People reporting at emergency departments with GHB overdose (Continued) Reference Aim Study design Methods Chin et al., 1998 To define the clinical characteristics and course of GHB overdose. Retrospective database study. N=88, cases of GHB ingestion at an emergency department of San Francisco General Hospital, United States (2 cases visited emergency department twice). Couper et al., 2004 To present drug test results (GHB and other drugs) and clinical symptoms of patients presenting to the emergency department. Retrospective database study over a period of 12 months. N (total)=146, N (GHB confirmed in blood)=54. Suspected GHB-overdose patients admitted to the emergency department in a major Seattle Hospital (United States). Dietze et al., 2008 To study the nature and extent of ambulance attendances involving GHB and to compare these with heroin-related attendances. Retrospective database study from March 2001 to October 2005. N=618 GHB related ambulance attendances in Melbourne Australia (362 involving GHB only and 256 involving the current use of GHB and other drugs). Dutch & Austin, 2012 To examine medical assistance at dance events of GHB intoxications regarding clinical presentation, required interventions and patterns. Retrospective database study from January 2010 through May 2011. N=61, GHB-intoxicated attendees of St. John Ambulance medical assistance teams at 14 of 24 dance music festival events in the state of Victoria (Australia). Galicia et al., 2011 To describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of GHB intoxicated patients. Retrospective database study from April 2000 – December 2007. N=505, GHB intoxicated (overdose) patients seen at the emergency department of a tertiary university hospital in Barcelona (Spain). Patients were divided into 1) pure GHB and 2) GHB and other drugs. Galacia et al., 2019 To examine clinical impact of co-ingestion of ethanol in patients presenting to the ED with acute toxicity related GHB/GBL use. Retrospective database study (secondary analysis) between October 2013 – December 2016. N=609, patients attended at the emergency department of 22 participating centres in the Euro- DEN network (14 countries).