Harmen Beurmanjer

154 Supplements People reporting at emergency departments with GHB overdose (Continued) Reference Aim Study design Methods Horyniak et al., 2013 To define patterns and characteristics of emergency department presentations related to ecstasy and related drugs use. Retrospective database study from 1 January 2008 through 31 December 2010. N (total)=1347; N (GHB)=480. Ecstasy and related drug presentations at the emergency department of two tertiary hospitals in Melbourne (Australia). Kapitany-Foveny et al., 2017 To assess frequency of facilitated sexual assaults and acquisitory crimes at emergency department; to examine possible differences between intentional / unintentional GHB use and GHB / GHB + polysubstance. Retrospective database study between 14-9-2009 and 13-6-2013. N= 408 casus (352 patients). Patients assumed or proven GHB consumption at a clinical toxicology ward of Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital Clinic and Casualty Centre in Hungary. Krul & Girbes, 2011 To determine the health disturbances and severity of incidents of GHB-related First Aid Attendees at rave parties. A prospective observational study from 2000 to 2008. N=771 visitors of the First Aid Station reporting GHB-related health problems at rave parties in the Netherlands. Liakoni et al., 2016 To described the clinical features of GHB toxicity. Retrospective database study from January 2002 – September 2015. N=78 (60 different patients). GHB-related intoxications at the emergency department of the University Hospital of Basel (Switzerland). Lietchi & Kupferschmidt, 2004 To define the clinical features of GHB toxicity and to provide epidemiological data. Database study between 1995 and 2003. N=141 cases of GHB and GBL intoxication reported by physicians to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre. Liechti et al., 2006 To describe the clinical features of GHB and GBL toxicity Retrospective database study between January 2001 and December 2003. N=65 (48 different patients). GHB and GBL intoxications at the emergency department of the University hospital of Zurich (Switzerland).