Harmen Beurmanjer

155 Supplements Population description and results Demographics (GHB population): 64% male; median 23.9, range 21.0-27.8 years. Other (total population): 60% of the presentations in the weekend and 41% between 0.00-06.00h (total population). Other (GHB population): history of psychiatric illness (10%), history of substance use (25%). GHB use: Most cases were GHB-related (36%) with a peak in 2009. Amphetamine related presentations were older and more likely to have a history of substance use and/ or psychiatric illness than GHB related presentations. Other substance use: Co-use of alcohol (35%). Demographics: 54% male; M=26.9, SD=10.2, range 14-75 years. GHB use: only GHB-use in 27.7% of the cases. Mean concentration in serum samples was 1205.66±2120.78 ng/mL and 6910.76±10294.02 ng/mL in urine samples. Minor intoxication in 69.5% of the GHB-only cases and 85.7% of the GHB-combined group. Severe intoxication in 9.6% of all cases and more among men (9.3%) than women (4%). Other substance use: Most common co-ingested substance was ethanol (13.7%). Other: Cases of intentional (n=111) and unintentional (n=46) GHB intake. GHB facilitated sexual assault occurred in 11 cases (2.8%), while acquisitory crimes occurred in 38 cases (9.6%) from the total sample (n=480). Demographics: 66.4% male; M=25.7, SD=6.1 years of age. GHB use: 252 (32.7%) attendees used GHB only (one substance). Other substance use: 48.1% combined GHB with ecstasy, alcohol, or cannabis. 190 (24.6%) combined GHB with ecstasy, 123 (15.6%) with alcohol, and 61 (7.9%) with cannabis. Other persons (145, 18.8%) combined GHB with other substances: amphetamine (2.3%), cocaine (0.8%), or more than one substance. In total, 97 (12.6%) used a combination of GHB, ecstasy, and alcohol. Demographics: 71% male; M=29, SD=8 years. GHB use: Median GHB concentration was 240 (range 8.3-373) mg/L. Severe intoxication in 72%. Context of use: recreational substance use (90%), accidental ingestion (4%), poisoning (4%), suicide attempt (3%). Other substance use: Prior history of substance abuse in 64%: GHB (53%), cannabis (21%), opiates (17%), cocaine (18%), MDMA (17%). Co-ingestion with alcohol and other substances in 65% (self-report): alcohol (33%), cannabis (18%), cocaine (17%), sedatives (15%), opiates (10%), amphetamine (5%), MDMA (5%), ketamine (1%). Other: 53% between 8pm-8am and 46% during the weekend. Demographics: 73% male; M=24, SD=7 years. GHB use: Toxicity rates according to the Poisoning Severity Score were severe in 45%, moderate in 38%, and minor in 16%. Seven reports of chronic GHB use (daily use for at least some weeks). Other substance use: co-ingestion with alcohol (22%), other drugs (34%): amphetamine (21%), cannabis (16%), cocaine (8%), opiates (5%), sedative (1%), ketamine (1%). Other: weekend (Fr 17:00 – Mo 8:00): 52%, Late night (22:00-9:00): 49%. Demographics: 63% male; M=24, range 16-41 years; Other: Prior psychiatric history in 27%. GHB use: doses: M=6, range 1 to 12ml. Daily use among 3 out of 48 patients. Recreational abuse in 99% and suicide attempt in 1% of the cases. Other substance use: Documented history of substance use in 60% including GHB/GBL in 46%. Co-ingestion with alcohol or illicit drugs was 65% (26% more than two additional substances), mostly MDMA (18%) and cocaine (15%).