Harmen Beurmanjer

157 Supplements Population description and results Demographics: 67.6% male, male GHB patients were significantly older than females (p < 0.001), no gender differences were found for GBL; median 26 (range 13-64) years. GHB use: 79.4% GHB-only use. 8.9% with suspected GBL-only use. Other substance use: 11.7% reported co-use of GHB/ GBL with another substance (benzodiazepines, alcohol, amphetamines, or alcohol). Other: Highest numbers during the weekend and 40% between 22.00-04.00h. Peak in February and May and lowest numbers in June and December. Demographics: 64% male; M=23, SD=5, range 17-39 years; GHB use: 3.1% of all toxicological emergencies, 18% emergencies caused by illicit drug use (2 nd in ranking illicit drugs requiring emergency care). Mean dose 5-12 ml. Other substance use: co-ingestion with alcohol (73%) and other substances (86%): amphetamines (43%), cocaine (25%), ketamine (11%), and cannabis (8%). Co-ingestion of GHB with two or more substances in 53%. Other: 90% of the presentations during the weekend and 67% between 22.00-09.00h. Demographics: 83% male; median 31, range 25-35 years. GHB use: 12.6% of all intoxications were GHB/GBL related. Intoxication of GHB alone in 28.3% of the cases. Other substance use: co-ingestion of GHB/GBL with another substance in 71.7%: alcohol (50%), amphetamine (36%), cocaine (12%), benzodiazepine (10%), cannabis (8%), heroine (7%), ketamine (4%), methadone (0.7%), and LSD (0.4%). Other: more presentations during the weekend than weekdays. Demographics: 63% male; median 22, range 16-60 years. GHB use: GHB-only in 36% of the cases. GHB was in 0.2% of all illicit drug related intoxications. Other substance use: co-ingestion of GHB with other substances in 64%: ecstasy (37%), ethanol (22%), methamphetamine (24%), ketamine (5%), cannabis (3%), prescription medication (2%). Other: Highest number of presentations on public holidays and during weekends between 04.00-08.00h. Demographics: 69% (11/16) male; median 25, range 20-39 years. GHB use: Serum levels: median 180, range 45 – 295 mg/L. Urine levels: median 1,263, range 432-2,407 mg/L. No correlation between serum and urine levels. GHB-only in 31% (5/16). Other substance use: Co-ingestion of ethanol in 44% (7/16), amphetamine and ethanol in 6% (1/16); and opiates, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, cocaine, and ethanol in 6% (1/16). Demographics: 93,3% male; median=21, range 17-26 years. GHB use: GHB plasma concentration at arrival was median=212, range 112 to 430 µg/ml. Other substance use: 14 had ingested one or more other drugs; ethanol (7/15), MDMA (6/15), amphetamine (3/15), cannabis (5/15), cocaine (3/15).