Harmen Beurmanjer

164 Supplements People using GHB recruited from the general population (Continued) Reference Aim Study design Methods Stein et al., 2011; Stein et al., 2012 To assess patterns, experiences, and functions of GHB use. Pilot study – Web-based survey. In 2003, over a 5-month period. N=61, recruited through internet. Individuals with knowledge of GHB/ analogs through personal use or exposure to others’ use. Sumnall et al., 2008 To examine the relationship between intentions for GHB use, acute subjective experiences and patterns of use. Online survey questionnaire on GHB behaviours, GHB use function, and subjective GHB effects. N=189. Individuals reporting at least one lifetime use of GHB (home and club use). Recruited by advertisements hosted on appropriate websites.