Harmen Beurmanjer

166 Supplements Patients in addiction care using GHB Reference Aim Study design Methods Bell & Collins, 2011 To describe morbidity associated with GBL dependence and withdrawal. Case series between 1 July 2009 and 31 January 2010. N=19, patients dependent on GBL at a specialist out-patient clinic and affiliated inpatient detoxification unit (UK). Inclusion criteria: use > 4 ml GHB on a daily basis or >6 times daily every day or a history of severe withdrawal symptoms or currently dependent upon other drugs. Brunt et al., 201 Survey between March and September 2010 by DUDIT questionnaire – (Drug Use Disorder Identification Test). N=75, inpatients (≥18 years) with primary GHB problems recruited from 4 different addiction treatment centres in the Netherlands (response rate 90,4%). Cappetta & Murnion, 2019 To describe the baseline characteristics, treatment and retention in patients electively admitted for GHB withdrawal management. Retrospective database study between July 2010 – June 2016. N=12. Patients who admitted to inpatient withdrawal management unit in Sydney (Australia) who used GHB two or more times per week within a minimum duration of 3 months were included. Choudhuri et al., 2013 To describe the psychiatric symptoms, management and outcomes of GHB and GBL withdrawal. Case series (retrospective database study) between May 2008 – Sept 2011. N=31 (20 different patients, including 4 patients attending ≥ 2), patients with a history of GHB withdrawal at an inpatient detox in a general hospital in London (UK).