Harmen Beurmanjer

170 Supplements Gay and bisexual men Reference Aim Study design Methods Halkitis & Palamar, 2006 To examined patterns, contexts, and motivations for GHB use in a cohort of active club drug using gay and bisexual men. Longitudinal study - Proj- ect BUMPS (Boys Using Multiple Party Substanc- es): only baseline was used for this study. N (total)=450; N (GHB)=131. Clubs drug using (past year) gay or bisexual men (≥ 18 years) in New York City (United States). Hammoud et al., 2018 To examine factors asso- ciated with GHB use, its relationship to sexual risk behaviour, and the con- texts, consequences, and motivations for its use. An online prospective observational study. N=3190, baseline measure of gay and bisexual men (GBM) about their use of GHB. The Following Lives Undergoing Change (Flux) Study is carried out among Australian GBM.