Harmen Beurmanjer

24 Chapter 2 In line with our expectation, included studies differed in the primary GHB use population of interest and comprised different settings. Most studies included GHB users presenting at emergency departments (n = 22): in Europe (n = 13), United States (n = 5) and Australia (n = 4). Several studies recruited people using GHB from the general population (n = 11) or at addiction care (n = 8). A couple of studies investigated GHB-related mortality (n = 6), gay and bisexual men (n = 2), people livingwith HIV (PLWH) (n = 1), and people driving under the influence of GHB (n = 1). Detailed information about the study populations is presented as supplementary material (supplement I). First, we summarize the results regarding Figure 1 Flowchart of the search strategy and results Records identi ed through database searching (n = 2,846) Screening Included Eligibility Identi cation Records after de-duplication (n = 1,417) Records screened (n = 1,417) Records excluded (n = 1,347) Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 80) Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n = 20) 14 articles had no or very brief description of demographic characteristics, 6 articles were controlled studies. Unique studies (n=51) included in qualitative synthesis of assessed full-text articles (n=60) Additional records identi ed through other sources (n = 1) Update search (n=372) resulted in new included records (n=10)