Harmen Beurmanjer

59 Cognitive Impairments in Patients with GUD 4 substances. In addition, the observed persistent cognitive impairments could have been present before the use of GHB (or other substances) started. In conclusion, in the current study about half of patients with GUD had an indication for cognitive impairment before detoxification, decreasing to about one third after detoxification. Cognitive impairment before detoxification, particularlymemory problems, were associated with a higher relapse risk after detoxification. Current findings warrant clinical attention for cognitive impairment in patients with GUD, for instance by screening for cognitive impairment using the MoCA, and full neuropsychological assessment during a sufficient period of abstinence after detoxification when appropriate. Future studies should confirm these findings and explore whether GUD patients with cognitive impairment require specific treatment adaptations.