Joost Peerbooms

105 PRP in plantar fasciitis Figure 1. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flowchart. PRP, platelet-rich plasma. Patients were excluded from the study when they received local steroid injections within 6 months, physical/occupational therapies within 4 weeks, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory within 1 week prior to randomization. In addition, patients were excluded with the inability to fulfil follow-up criteria; significant cardiovascular; renal or hepatic disease; pregnancy, (local) malignancy; history of anaemia (haemoglobin < 5.0); previous surgery for plantar fasciitis; active bilateral plantar fasciitis; diagnosis of vascular insufficiency or neuropathy related to heel pain; hypothyroidism; and diabetics. Interventions Platelet Concentrate Preparation Fifty-five millilitres whole blood was collected from the uninvolved arm into a 60-mL syringe that contained 5 mL sodium citrate. A peripheral complete blood count was also collected at the time of the initial blood draw. The blood was then prepared according to the Gravitational Platelet System (GPS) instructions (Zimmer Biomet). This device is a desktop-size centrifuge with disposable cylinders for the blood approximately 5 7