Joost Peerbooms

Colophon The publication of this thesis was kindly supported by: Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis Anna Fonds Bauerfeind Benelux B.V. Centrum Orthopedie Heraeus Nederland B.V. La Mer Orthopedische Schoenen LINK Nederland B.V. Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging Zimmer Biomet Nederland B.V. Cover by: Myrthe Boymans Layout by: Anna Bleeker, Printing: Ridderprint, ISBN: 978-94-6416-813-6 Digitale ISBN: 978-94-6416-825-9 © J.C. Peerbooms, the Netherlands 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, without prior written permission by the author or, when appropriate, of the scientific journal in which parts of this thesis have been published.