Joost Peerbooms

25 Concentrations of blood components in PRP separation systems Figure 2. Concentrations of platelets (×10 3 µL) and leukocytes (×10 3 µL) found in the included studies. Figure 3. Concentrations of PDGF-AB (pg/mL), TGF-B1 (pg/mL), and VEGF (pg/mL) found in the included studies. Comparative Studies As not all selected studies provided exact data, descriptive results of the studies comparing 2 PRP separation systems were used. 7,25,29,32,36,46,54,57 The ACP and GPS III were the only systems that have been compared in more than 1 study: the concentrations of platelets, leukocytes, and growth factors were significantly higher in favour of the GPS III. 32,36,46,54 Overall, the ACP showed lower platelet and leukocyte concentrations in studies comparing the ACP with systems other than the GPS III; the concentrations of growth factors, however, were largely comparable. 32,46 The GPS III, on the other hand, showed a significantly higher concentration of leukocytes compared with other systems. 7,32,46 Furthermore, the GPS III produced a higher concentration of platelets than the RegenPRP and Prosys, 32,46 but no significant differences in the platelet concentration were found between the GPS III and the Cascade and Magellan. 7 The concentrations of growth factors did not significantly differ in most of the studies. 2