Joost Peerbooms

73 PRP in lateral epicondylitis patients versus a 29.8% improvement (131.3 to 92.2) in corticosteroid-treated patients ( P = .060) (Figure 3). Figure 2. Twenty-four of the 49 patients (49%) in the corticosteroid (CS) group and 37 of the 51 patients (73%) in the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) group were defined as successful with the visual analogue score (VAS), a significant difference (P < .001). CI, confidence interval. Six months after the procedure, PRP-treated patients reported a mean improvement of 53.5% (70.1 to 32.6) in their VAS scores compared with the initial values, whereas the corticosteroid-treated patients reported a 14.0% improvement (65.8 to 56.6; P < .001) (Figure 2). Also, after 6 months, DASH scores had improved 50.7% (161.3 to 79.5) in PRP patients versus a 10.7% improvement (131.3 to 117.3) in corticosteroid-treated patients ( P = .003) (Figure 3). 5