Iris Kanera

102 Chapter 4 APPENDIX 4.3 Predictors of a higher number of modules used, N = 182 Higher number of followed modules (0-8) Variable Beta SE [95% CI] p Female gender .068 .235 [-.39; .53] .771 Age .030 .066 [-.10; .16] .650 Marital status: with partner -.256 .127 [-.50; -.01] .044 Being employed: yes .177 .102 [-.08; .41] .192 Education level (low = ref) Medium .135 .123 [-.11; .38] .274 High .165 .127 [-.08; .41] .192 Breast cancer (other = ref) .035 .212 [-.38; .45] .867 Primary cancer treatment (other = ref) Surgery & radiation .147 .181 [-.31; .40] .797 Surgery & chemo .273 .183 [-.09; .63] .163 Surgery & chemo & radiation .251 .168 [-.08; .58] .135 Number of weeks after completing treatment .016 .048 [-.08; .11] .730 Participating in aftercare: yes -.076 .108 [-.29; .14] .481 Having co-morbidities: yes -.054 .122 [-.29; .19] .657 BMI -.058 .057 [-.17; .05] .311 Number of orange/red MRA (0-7) .136 .053 [.03; .24] .009 Perceived personal relevance (1-5) .150 .061 [.03; .27] .014 Constant .664 .316 [.04; 1.28] .036 Pseudo R 2 .051 Wald χ 2 (15) 51.48 .000 Note: Negative binomial regression was used. Beta = regression coefficient. Abbreviations: ref: reference group; BMI: Body Mass Index; MRA: module referral advice