Iris Kanera

4 103 Use and appreciation of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer APPENDIX 4.4 Predictors of a higher appreciation of the overall KNW, N = 182 Appreciation (1-10) Variable Beta SE [95% CI] p Female gender -.223 .355 [-.92; .48] .530 Age .069 .117 [-.16; .30] .557 Marital status: with partner .359 .265 [-.17; .88] .178 Being employed: yes .123 .178 [-.25; .49] .514 Education level (low = ref) Medium -.074 .198 [-.47; .32] .708 High .160 .181 [-.20; .52] .379 Breast cancer (other = ref) .242 .347 [-.44; .93] .488 Primary cancer treatment (other = ref) Surgery & radiation -.005 .344 [-.68; .67] .987 Surgery & chemo .011 .272 [-.55; .53] .967 Surgery & chemo & radiation -.409 .284 [-.97; .15] .152 Number of weeks after completing treatment .016 .077 [-.14; .17] .833 Participating in aftercare: yes -.166 .196 [-.55; .22] .397 Having co-morbidities: yes .359 .182 [-.00; .72] .051 BMI -.013 .018 [-.05; .02] .474 Number of orange/red MRA (0-7) -.158 .102 [-.36; .04] .122 Number of followed modules (0-8) .027 .080 [-.13; .18] .738 Perceived personal relevance (1-5) .623 .097 [.43; .82] .000 R 2 .361 F 1.013 .000 Note: Multiple linear regression was used. Beta = regression coefficient. Abbreviations: ref: reference group; BMI: Body Mass Index; MRA: Module Referral Advice