Iris Kanera

118 Chapter 5 accounted as smokers if their smoking status after six months could not be determined (West, Hajek, Stead, & Stapleton, 2005). By exploring effects on multiple outcomes in dietary behavior and PA, type 1 error might occur due to multiple comparisons. The false discovery rate correcting procedure (FDR) of Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) was applied to account for multiple testing problems which is a more powerful procedure as compared to procedures controlling the traditional familywise error rate (Benjamini & Yekutieli, 2001). RESULTS An overview of the reach and attrition of the intervention participants is provided in Figure 5.1. In total, 462 cancer survivors were included for analysis at baseline (IC: n = 231, UC: n = 231), and 409 participants filled out the follow-up questionnaire (11.5% dropout). From the analyses concerning PA outcomes, 10 cases were excluded due to extreme over reporting (> 6720 minutes p/w PA), according to the scorings manual of Wendel-Vos & Schuit (2004). The sample characteristics at baseline and lifestyle behavior at baseline and after six months are displayed in Table 5.1. Significant baseline differences between groups were type of treatment, and consumption of vegetable, whole grain bread and fish. Dropout was higher in the IC ( n = 43, 18.6%) than in the UC ( n = 10, 4.3%). Significant predictors for dropout were allocation to IC ( B = 1.998, SE = .410; p = .000), male gender ( B = 1.490, SE = .681, p = .029), lower modal income ( B = -1.155, SE = .513; p = .025), lower vegetable consumption ( B = -.008, SE = .003; p = .014), and higher fruit consumption ( B = .374, SE = .153; p = .014). The IC-participants, included into the complete cases analyses, followed on average 2.23 ( SD = 1.58) KNW-modules. The module PA was followed by 45 (24.7%), and the module Diet was followed by 116 (61.7%) of included IC-participants. Within the module Diet, 41 (21.8%) IC-participants set a goal to increase their vegetable consumption, 24 (12.8%) wanted to increase their fruit consumption, 22 (11.7%) set a goal to increase their fish consumption, 43 (22.9%) wanted to increase the intake of whole grains, and 10 (5.3%) set no specific goal. About 80% followed the module Diet and/or the module PA within 14 weeks after getting access to the KNW. The module Smoking was followed by 19 (10.1%) of the IC-participants included into the complete cases analyses. Almost 95% of them followed this module within 15 weeks after getting access.