Iris Kanera

5 119 Lifestyle-related effects of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer Figure 5.1 Flow diagram of the reach and attrition of the KNW-intervention participants Physical activity Effects of having access to the KNW on PA after 6 months As displayed in Table 5.2, significant differences were found in change over time concerning moderate PA ( B = 117.738, p = .037, p fdr = .148, d = -.25, f 2 = .007) between IC and UC. However, these differences did not remain significant after controlling for multiple testing. No significant intervention effects were found in the other PA outcomes. Their effect sizes ranged from d = .01 to 0.10; f 2 = .000 to .006) Effects of following module PA on PA outcomes As shown in Table 5.3, a significant higher increase in moderate PA was found among users of the PA module ( B = 179.609, p = .022, p fdr = .120, d = -0.32, f 2 = 0.013) compared to participants who did not follow the PA module. This effect did not remain significant after correction for multiple testing.