Iris Kanera

5 121 Lifestyle-related effects of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer Table 5.1 Sample characteristics and lifestyle behaviors at baseline and after six months (Continued) Baseline Baseline After six months Sample characteristics Intervention group ( N = 231) Control group ( N = 231) Lifestyle behavior 1 Intervention group Control group Intervention group Control group Aftercare, yes, n (%) 145 (62.8) 141 (61) Complete cases n = 50 No. aftercare activities, M ( SD ) 1.1 (1.1) 1 (1.0) Persistent smokers 18 (81.8%) 26 (92.9%) Comorbidity, yes, n (%) 62 (26.8) 63 (27.3) Quitters 4 2 No. comorbidities, M ( SD ) 0.3 (0.6) 0.4 (0.7) Intention-to-Treat n = 59 Time since primary treatment, No. of weeks, M ( SD ) 25.1(13.5) 23.4 (12.9) Persistent smokers 23 (85.2%) 30 (93.8%) Quitters 4 2 Note.: Abbreviations: BMI: Body Mass Index, M = mean; SD = standard deviation; chemo = chemotherapy; No = number; PA = physical activity; IC = intervention group; UC = usual care control group; g = grams; 1 Baseline: PA: IC: n = 225; UC: n = 227; dietary outcomes: IC: n = 231; UC: n = 231; 6-month follow-up: PA: IC: n = 178; UC: n = 216; dietary outcomes: IC: n = 184; UC: n = 219 2 Never smokers (IC: n = 114, UC: n = 109) excluded. 3 Two of the current smokers at 6-month follow-up did not smoke at baseline