Iris Kanera

6 139 Long-term effects of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer Besides the tailored information within the modules, valuable generic information about psychosocial and lifestyle issues was available in the form of news items and in the user forum. Moreover, links to existing relevant websites were provided. In order to invite participants to complete questionnaires or to visit modules, several email-reminders were sent automatically with a direct link to the KNW. After the trial commencement, the intervention was applied without major adjustments, bugs, or downtimes and hyperlinks to other websites were updated when needed. Measurements Moderate physical activity Moderate PA was assessed using the validated self-report Short Questionnaire to Assess Health Enhancing Physical Activity (SQUASH) at baseline, after six months, and after 12 months (de Hollander et al., 2012; Wendel-Vos et al., 2003). The 11-item SQUASH evaluates activities during commuting, leisure time, sports, household, and work. The intensity of activities was categorized into light, moderate, and vigorous. Weekly minutes of moderate PA were calculated by multiplying the number of days per week of PA with the number of minutes per day of reported moderate intensive activities. Moreover, reliability and validity of the SQUASH was confirmed in previous research among patient populations (Arends et al., 2013; Wagenmakers et al., 2008). Vegetable consumption In the present study, vegetable consumption was measured by assessing the number of days per week (range 0-7) of vegetable consumption and the number of vegetable servings per day (one tablespoon = 50 g). These items derived from the Dutch Standard Questionnaire on Food Consumption (van den Brink, 2005) and were used at baseline, after six months, and after 12 months. Previous research supports the reliability and validity of a similar food frequency questionnaire assessing vegetable and fruit consumption (Bogers et al., 2004). The dependent variable, vegetable consumption in grams per day (g p/d) during one week (considered as an average week), was calculated by multiplying the number of days by the amount of vegetables a day (number of tablespoons x 50 g), divided by 7 days a week. Other relevant measures Information about demographic and cancer-related characteristicswas collected at baseline. Standard questions were used to measure age, gender, marital status, and education level. Employment status was dichotomized ( yes/no ). Type of cancer was categorized into (1) breast, (2) colorectal , and (3) other types of cancer (i.e., bladder, esophageal, gynecologic,