Iris Kanera

6 145 Long-term effects of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer Table 6.2 Observed means and standard deviations of moderate PA and vegetable intake per time point and group Baseline Six months 12 months N N Change from baseline N Change from baseline Moderate PA min p/w M (SD) min p/w M (SD) min p/w M min p/w M (SD) min p/w M Intervention 225 595.9 (620.5) 178 746.6 (676.3) 150.7 162 688.1 (570.6) 92.2 Control 226 526.5 (546.5) 215 598.9 (510.7) 72.4 206 512.2 (452.1) -14.3 Between group differences 78.3 106.5 Vegetable intake g p/d M (SD) g p/d M (SD) g p/d M g p/d M (SD) g p/d M Intervention 231 138.5 (67.9) 184 146.6 (56.0) 8.1 166 95.3 (44.7) -43.2 Control 231 124.2 (57.5) 219 124.9 (60.8) 0.7 210 81.4 (44.1) -42.8 Between group differences 7.4 0.4 Note: All reported values are raw. All physical activities are moderately intensive. PA = physical activity; min p/w = minutes per week; g/p/d = grams per day; M = mean; SD = standard deviation. Table 6.3 Main intervention effects on moderate PA and vegetable consumption after 12 months. Results of multilevel analyses Complete cases analysis 1 Intention-to-treat analysis 2 B SE [95% CI] p p fdr d [95% CI] f 2 B SE [95% CI] p p fdr Moderate PA (min p/w) After 6 months 93.707 48.058 [-.48; 187.90] .051 .051 -.25 [-.45; -.05] .008 92.886 49.233 [-3.82; 189.59] .060 .060 After 12 months 128.475 49.627 [31.21; 225.74] .010 .020 -.35 [-.55;-.14] .013 129.473 50.393 [30.39; 228.55] .011 .022 Vegetable intake (g p/d) After 6 months 11.799 3.667 [4.61; 18.99] .001 .002 -.37 [-57; -.17] -.013 11.606 3.781 [4.18; 19.03] .002 .004 After 12 months 5.860 3.782 [-1.55; 13.27] .121 .121 -.28 [-.49; -.08] -.001 5.560 3.687 [-.67; 12.79] .132 .132 Note: Multilevel analysis with three-level data structure (time, individuals, hospitals); B = Regression coefficient, d = Cohen’s d, f 2 = Cohen’s f 2 , PA = physical activity; p/w = per week, p/d = per day. Models adjusted for gender, age, marital status, education level, income level, employment, baseline BMI, cancer type, having had cancer before, treatment type, time since last treatment, participation in aftercare, comorbidities, baseline vegetable, fruit, bread, and fish consumption 1 For physical activity outcomes N = 398; for diet outcomes N = 403 2 Imputed data: for physical activity outcomes N = 451; for diet outcomes N = 462