Iris Kanera

7 169 General Discussion are included to other websites should be checked regularly and updated when necessary. Second, it is advisable to involve the target group in improving the intervention in order to optimally meet their specific needs. This refers to all the following suggestions for improvements. It is vital to keep up with website updates and developments (e.g., new trends in design, technology, tools). For instance, the attractiveness of the module buttons might be improved in a future version of the KNW. Moreover, a direct link to the module could be additionally placed in the animation of the relevant MRA (Figure 7.1). Figure 7.1 Current design of the KNW Furthermore, in the current KNW version, a short written prescription of the module content is provided on the first page of a module. As an additional “appetizer”, relevant quotes or brief videos of previous module users might be added to this first page to provide insight into the experiences of fellow cancer survivors with the module. This might increase interest and motivation to follow the module. Regarding the lifestyle modules specifically, some adaptations might lead to program improvements. The lifestyle module set-up was structured in a linear way. Certain choices inhibited other pathways within the lifestyle modules. The future KNW version should incorporate more flexibility to profit even more from the lifestyle modules. Furthermore, additional news items might be developed and added that provide information on different topics, such as information about possible beneficial effects of a