Iris Kanera

R 203 References Willems, R. A., Bolman, C. A., Mesters, I., Kanera, I. M., Beaulen, A. A., & Lechner, L. (2015). The Kanker Nazorg Wijzer (Cancer Aftercare Guide) protocol: the systematic development of a web-based computer tailored intervention providing psychosocial and lifestyle support for cancer survivors. BMC Cancer, 15 , 580. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1588-z Willems, R. A., Bolman, C. A., Mesters, I., Kanera, I. M., Beaulen, A. A., & Lechner, L. (2016). Cancer survivors in the first year after treatment: the prevalence and correlates of unmet needs in different domains. Psychooncology, 25 (1), 51-57. doi: 10.1002/pon.3870 Willems, R. A., Bolman, C. A. W., Mesters, I., Kanera, I. M., Beaulen, A. A., & Lechner, L. (2017a). Short- term effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention for cancer survivors on quality of life, anxiety, depression, and fatigue: randomized controlled trial. Psychooncology, 26 (2), 222-230. doi: 10.1002/pon.4113 Willems, R. A., Mesters, I., Lechner, L., Kanera, I. M., & Bolman, C. A. W. (2017b). Long-term effectiveness and moderators of a web-based tailored intervention for cancer survivors on social and emotional functioning, depression, and fatigue: randomized controlled trial. J Cancer Surviv . doi: 10.1007/s11764-017-0625-0 Williams, K., Steptoe, A., &Wardle, J. (2013). Is a cancer diagnosis a trigger for health behaviour change? Findings from a prospective, population-based study. Br J Cancer, 108 (11), 2407-2412. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.254 Wilson, D., Parsons, J., & Wakefield, M. (1999). The health-related quality-of-life of never smokers, ex-smokers, and light, moderate, and heavy smokers. Prev Med, 29 (3), 139-144. doi: 10.1006/ pmed.1999.0523 Wilson, K., Senay, I., Durantini, M., Sanchez, F., Hennessy, M., Spring, B., & Albarracin, D. (2015). When it comes to lifestyle recommendations, more is sometimes less: a meta-analysis of theoretical assumptions underlying the effectiveness of interventions promoting multiple behavior domain change. Psychol Bull, 141 (2), 474-509. doi: 10.1037/a0038295 Winkels, R. M., van Lee, L., Beijer, S., Bours, M. J., van Duijnhoven, F. J., Geelen, A., . . . Kampman, E. (2016). Adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research lifestyle recommendations in colorectal cancer survivors: results of the PROFILES registry. Cancer Med, 5 (9), 2587-2595. doi: 10.1002/cam4.791 World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. (2009). Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention. Food, Nutrition, and Physical Activity: a Global Perspective. Washington, DC AICR: World Cancer Research Fund International. Retrieved from default/files/Policy_Report.pdf World Cancer Research Fund. (2016). Voeding en Leefstijl na kanker. Wereld Kanker Onderzoeks Fonds. Retrieved from voeding-en-leefstijl-na-kanker World Health Organization (2017). Cancer Fact Sheet. WHO . Retrieved from mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/ World Medical Association. (2013). WMA declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for medical research involving human subjects. Retreived from declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/ Wu, H. S., & Harden, J. K. (2015). Symptom burden and quality of life in survivorship: a review of the literature. Cancer Nurs, 38 (1), E29-54. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000135