Iris Kanera

30 Chapter 2 2005); standardized questions from Dutch Measuring Instruments for Research on Smoking and Smoking Cessation were used to measure smoking behavior (Mudde, Willemsen, Kremers, & de Vries, 2006); nine items from the Dutch standard questionnaire on nutrition measurements were used to determine vegetable and fruit consumption (van den Brink, 2005; van Loon & van Veldhuizen, 2003); alcohol consumption was assessed by using four items from the Dutch standard questionnaire on alcohol consumption (van Loon & van Veldhuizen, 2003). Table 2.1 provides an overview of these measurements and their properties. Table 2.1 Lifestyle outcome measurements Behavior Questionnaire / example question Categories / scales Items Item-range Score-range Physical Activity 1 IPAQ Short last 7 days self- administered format Walking Moderate intensive activity Vigorous intensive activity 2 2 2 (MET-min/week) Smoking “Do you currently smoke?” “Did you smoke in the past?” Current smoking behavior History of smoking (quit smoking before / after cancer diagnosis) 1 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Alcohol consumption Dutch standard questionnaire on alcohol consumption Number of days and glasses of alcohol on weekdays and weekends Binge drinking 2 4 1 0-6 1-8 0-4 0-7 Vegetable and fruit consumption 3 Dutch standard questionnaire on nutrition Number of servings fruit/ vegetable (spoons, pieces, glasses) per day and number of days per week 9 1-9 0-7 Note : IPAQ Short: International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form; MET: Metabolic Equivalent of Task 1 ≥ 600 MET-min/week corresponds to ≥ 5 days per week performing any combination of walking, moderate or vigorous physical activities 2 ≥ Six servings of alcohol during one day 3 Vegetable consumption was expressed in grams per day. The total score for fruit consumption was the number of servings of fruit per day (up to 100 grams fruit may be replaced by fruit juice) Socio-demographic measures Socio-demographic items were measured using standard questions on age, gender, marital status, education level ( low : lower vocational education, medium general secondary education; medium : secondary vocational education, higher general secondary education; high : higher vocational education, university education), income level ( below average : < €1,800 per month; average : > €1,800 and < €2,200 per month; above average : > €2,200 per month), employment status ( working : self-employed, in paid employment; not working : unemployed, retired, unable to work).