Iris Kanera

2 41 Prevalence and correlates of lifestyle behaviors Table 2.5 Correlates of lifestyle behaviors (Continued) Lifestyle behavior Alcohol consumption ( N = 223) Vegetable consumption ( N = 225) Fruit consumption ( N = 228) Physical Activity ( N = 225) Nonsmoking ( N = 141) 1 Variable B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p ExpB (95% CI) p 4 Pos. adjustment -.057 (-.32; .20) .667 2.297 (.34; 4.26) . 022 .013 (-.02; .03) .198 12.872 (-3.001; 28.75) .111 Neg. adjustment -.149 (-.48; .18) .373 -1.992 (-4.40; .42) .105 .005 (-.02; .03) .714 6.782 (-13.48; 27.04) .510 Illness perception -.034 (-.24; .17) .738 .782 (-.71; 2.28) .303 .010 (-.01; .03) .189 -4.296 (-16.86; 8.27) .501 PPO 1.324 (-1.05; 3.70) .273 -4.790 (-22.60; 13.02) .596 -.001 (-.18; .18) .991 -78.106 (-225.46; 69.24) .297 NPO .457 (-1.75; 2.66) .684 2.240 (-14.26; 18.74) .789 -.078 (-.25; .09) .360 -82.287 (-222.29; 57.73) .248 Attitude 1.522 (-.32; 3.36) .105 17.076 (-1.98; 36.13) .079 -.016 (-.21; .18) .872 192.876 (-19.74; 405.49) .075 5.707 (1.83; 17.7) .003 Social support -.004 (-.01; .00) .290 -.012 (-.19; .17) .894 0.00 (-.00; .00) .710 -.111 (-1.62; 1.40) .884 Self-efficacy -1.532 (-2.81; -.25) .019 11.342 (-3.70; 26.36) .138 .070 (-.09; .23) .378 181.637 (54.71; 308.56) .005 2.583 (1.42; 4.69) .002 Intention .479 (-1.02; 1.98) .530 36.980 (23.16; 50.81) .000 .597 (.48; .72) .000 137.551 (-23.15; 298.25) .093 .583 (.58; 1.56) .852 Constant B (SE) 35.146 (20.40) -105.53 (151.51) -1.63 (1.54) -2456.07 (1356.25) 2.96 (5.07) R 2 .297 .415 .514 .312 Sig. F Change .530 .000 .000 .093 Cox & Snell R 2 .518 Nagelkerke R 2 .725 Model X 2 102.87 p .000 Note: From Sequential Multiple Regression (continuous outcomes) and Sequential Logistic Regression (smoking) entry step 4 is displayed. Forced entry (enter) method was used; Abbreviations: ExpB: odds ratio; ref: reference group; BMI: Body Mass Index; EORTC: European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; QoL: Quality of Life; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; neg./pos. adjustment fromMAC: Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale; IPQ: Illness Perception Questionnaire; SPSIR-R:S Short Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised; Chemo: chemotherapy; PPO: positive problem orientation; NPO: negative problem orientation; 1 Dependent variable encoding: if participant is former smoker 1; if participant is current smoker 0; never-smokers were excluded; 2 all = surgery + chemotherapy + radiation 4 p-value of Wald test is presented