Iris Kanera

44 Chapter 2 Table 2.6 Correlates of adherence to recommendations ( N = 236) (Continued) Adherence to an increasing number of lifestyle recommendations Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Variable B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p Physical Activity: Attitude - - - - - - -.184 (-.46; .09) .193 -.157 (-.44; .12) .269 Social support - - - - - - -.001 (-.00; .00) .170 -.001 (-.00; .00) .206 Self-efficacy - - - - - - .104 (-.07; .27) .227 .080 (-.09; .25) .347 Smoking: Attitude .153 (-.07; .38) .184 .100 (-.13; .34) .387 Social support - - - - - - .020 (-.06; .10) .623 .000 (-.08; .08) .993 Self-efficacy - - - - - - .323 (.17; .47) .000 .330 (.19; 48) .000 Intention Alcohol cons. - - - - - - - - - .066 (-.05; .18) .373 Vegetable cons. - - - - - - - - - .112 (-.04; .26) .144 Fruit cons. - - - - - - - - - .263 (.13; .39) .000 Physical activity - - - - - - - - - .045 (-.16; .25) .668 Smoking - - - - - - - - - -.009 (-.12; .10) .874 Constant B (SE) .932 (.77) .795 (1.85) -2.728 (1.78) -3.72 (1.72) R 2 .172 .289 .502 .567 Sig. F Change .000 .109 .000 .000 Note: From Sequential Multiple Regression (continuous outcomes) and Sequential Logistic Regression (smoking) entry step 4 is displayed. Forced entry (enter) method was used. Abbreviations: ExpB: odds ratio; ref: reference group; BMI: Body Mass Index; EORTC: European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; QoL: Quality of Life; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; MAC: Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale; IPQ: Illness Perception Questionnaire; SPSIR-R:S Short Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised; Chemo: chemotherapy; PPO: positive problem orientation; NPO: negative problem orientation; R 2 :correlation coefficient squared 1 all = surgery + chemotherapy + radiation; 2 Dependent variable encoding: if participant is former smoker 1; if participant is current smoker 0 p-value of Wald test is presented