Iris Kanera

64 Chapter 3 Participants of the focus groups (see Step 1) expressed the need to be informed about commonly experienced complaints after cancer treatment. Therefore, an additional module covering residual symptoms from cancer treatment was added to the KNW. In this module, general information is given on the most common physical complaints experienced after primary treatment, tips are given on how to deal with these symptoms, and advice is given to seek medical assistance for more information or help. For an overview of the scope and sequence of all modules, see Figure 3.1. To keep participants involved in the program, several types of e-mails were sent. First, participants received reminder e-mails when they completed the screening questionnaire but did not visit any of the modules. Second, participants received an e-mail to invite them to the second session of a module. Third, participants received a postcard in spring wishing themHappy Easter and an eCard around the Holidays wishing themHappy Holidays. Fourth, monthly news items were placed on the website in which professionals from different fields talk about cancer recovery (see Step 4, Video Material). Participants received an invitation e-mail to see the latest news item. Suggestions from the target group During the focus group interviews (see Step 1), the preferences for the look and feel of the future program were discussed. First, survivors suggested messages to be framed positively and that the program should have a calm and friendly appearance (see Figure 3.2). Second, survivors indicated that they preferred an open and unrestrictive program. Therefore, the KNW is programmed in such a way that users can choose which modules of the intervention they want to follow, even if they get the advice that they are doing well in this area. Third, survivors mentioned that the intervention should be easy to use. Therefore, a website with clear and distinctive buttons was designed with an emphasis on preventing an overload of information. Finally, it was suggested that the written information should be supported with video material. We adhered to this by providing informational videos from professionals from different fields. Also, there was a high demand for videos of fellow survivors, who were further into their recovery process, discussing their experiences of their life after cancer treatment. Therefore, we interviewed eight former patients discussing their cancer recovery and giving advice on how to deal with certain issues (see Step 4, Video Material). Reviewing available materials Before developing the program materials, available program materials of others were reviewed for a possible match with the COs, methods and applications of the KNW (Bartholomew et al., 2011). There were some computer tailored interventions from which elements were usable for the modules of the KNW. For the PA module, we shortened