Iris Kanera

66 Chapter 3 Modules Fatigue In the Fatigue module, cancer-related fatigue is addressed. Based on the answers of the screening questionnaire, participants receive a description of the type of fatigue they are most likely experiencing. Participants receive an improvement proposal, comprising the themes day plan, fatigue-related thoughts, sleeping behavior, feelings of anxiety or depression, relationships, and PA. When participants want to work on PA, relationships, or feelings of anxiety and depression, they are referred to the Mood, Relationships, and PA modules, respectively. Figure 3.3 After screening, participants are advised which modules deserve their attention The theme “Day Plan” discusses the importance of a structured day plan. Participants are encouraged to monitor their daily activities for five to seven days. Then, psycho-education and assignments are given concerning planning activities and rest, not to exceed personal limits, and saying “no” to requests. Finally, participants are encouraged to make a weekly plan. The theme “Thoughts About Fatigue” discusses beliefs concerning fatigue that are fatigue enhancing. Psycho-education and assignments are given on recognizing and identifying non-helpful thoughts. Participants are encouraged to register their own non-helpful thoughts for one week. Then, these thoughts are challenged by discussing their credibility