Iris Kanera

4 87 Use and appreciation of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer Table 4.1 Classification of the green, orange and red MRA Measurements and classification criteria MRA categories Green Orange Red Fatigue CIS, subscale subjective fatigue (1-56) < 27 27-35 > 35 Return to work Extended CaSUN: Needs to adjust / find a job (0-5) Needs to receive financial support (0-5) Needs support on returning to work (0-5) Needs legal information (0-5) No needs Score on needs 3-12 Score on needs ≥ 13 Mood HADS-A (0-21) HADS-D (0-21) MAC: dimension negative adjustment to cancer (16-64) HADS-A < 8 and HADS-D < 8 and MAC ≤ 36 HADS-A < 8 and HADS-D 8-15; HADS-A 8-15 and HADS-D <8 or 8-15; and/ or MAC > 36 HADS-A < 8 or 8-15 and HADS-D >15; HADS-D < 8 or 8-15 and HADS-A >15 Relation ships SSL-D (6-24) / CaSUN (2 items 1 ) SSL-D ≤ 7 SSL-D = 8 or 9 & needs CaSUN SSL-D ≥ 10 & needs CaSUN Physical activity SQUASH: Weekly ≥ 150 min moderate to vigorous PA. Daily ≥30 mins of moderate PA on ≥ 5 days p/w Meeting both conditions Meeting one out of two conditions Meeting no conditions Diet Dutch Standard Questionnaire on Food Consumption: Daily ≥200g vegetables Daily ≥2 pieces of fruit Weekly ≥2 servings of fish Daily ≥15g whole grains 2 Daily ≥ four servings of potatoes/ whole-grain rice/ whole-grain pasta Meeting at least four out of five conditions Meeting two or three out of five conditions Meeting one or none out of five conditions Smoking Smoking, not smoking, time point of quitting Never/former smokers, quit prior to cancer diagnosis Quit smoking after cancer diagnosis Current smokers Note: CIS: Checklist Individual Strength; PA: physical activity, p/w: per week; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS-A: subscale anxiety, HADS-D: subscale depression; MAC: Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale; SSL-D: Social Support List-discrepancy subscale; SQUASH: Short Questionnaire to Assess Health Enhancing Physical Activity; PA: Physical Activity 1 Needs related to sexuality and fertility 2 Whole-grain bread, oatmeal, cereals