Iris Kanera

88 Chapter 4 Measurements All data were derived from online self-report questionnaires and logging details. Module use Module use was assessed by using logging data. Actual use was dichotomized ( yes, no ) for each module separately (in total eight modules). Module use was categorized into yes when at least the first three pages of a module were used. These three pages comprised important key information after which participants followed personalized pathways through the modules. The individual pathways were based on the responses to the baseline questionnaire, own preferences and goals, and take into consideration that the amount of needed information and support can vary to initiate behavior change (Donkin et al., 2013). Additionally, by assessing login data (last day the separate modules were used), the number of weeks of module engagement was registered. Appreciation At six-month follow-up, the overall rating of the KNW and separate ratings for each of the used module(s) were assessed on a scale ranging from 1 ( very poor ) to 10 ( outstanding ) (e.g., “Overall, how do you rate the KNW? Select your rating (1-10)”; “How do you rate module Mood on a scale from 1 to 10”). Further, four separate items were measured to evaluate whether the provided information and support was understandable, useful, personally relevant, and recommendable to fellow patients, on a 5-point-Likert-scale, ranging from 1 ( low ) to 5 ( high ). The perceived personal relevance (“Was the information from the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer of personal relevance for you?“) was included in the analysis of the present study to explore whether computer tailoring worked well within the KNW. These items correspond to items that were used in other studies to measure the appreciation of web- based interventions (Stanczyk et al., 2014; van Genugten et al., 2012; Walthouwer et al., 2015b). Demographic and cancer-related variables Information about demographic and cancer-related characteristicswas collected at baseline. Standard questions were used to measure age, gender, marital status. Marital status was dichotomized into with partner (married, cohabiting partners) and without partner (single, divorced, widowed). Education level was categorized into low (lower vocational education, medium general secondary education), medium (secondary vocational education, higher general secondary education), and high (higher vocational education, university education). Employment status was dichotomized into working (self-employed, in paid employment) and not working (unemployed, retired, unable to work). Type of cancer was categorized