Iris Kanera

90 Chapter 4 RESULTS Baseline characteristics of the intervention participants are displayed in Table 4.2. The majority of the participants was female (79.2%), mean age was 55.6 ( SD = 11.5) years, and 70.1% had been treated for breast cancer. A detailed overview of cancer diagnoses among the sample is shown in Appendix 4.2. Mean time since completing primary cancer treatment was 25.1 ( SD = 13.5) weeks. Module use The majority (80-100%) of the module users continued after reading the first three compulsory pages of the different modules. The numbers and percentages of participants who used the separatemodules are displayed inTable 4.2. Module Diet (58%) was usedmost often, and the module Smoking was used least often (10%). However, from the smokers at baseline ( n = 27), 13 (48.2%) individuals used the module Smoking. Overall, the participants used on average 2.1 ( SD = 1.6) KNW modules; 14.3% used no modules, 30.3% used one module, 18.2% used two modules, 21.2% used three modules, 8.7% used four modules, 3.9% used five modules, and 3.4% used six or more modules. Module engagement was highest during the first 16 weeks after getting KNW access: around 80% of the users used the modules within this period. Provided Module Referral Advice Table 4.3 displays how the red, orange, and green MRA ranged among the participants and how the modules were used. For fatigue, diet and smoking more red compared to orange MRA was provided, and for return to work, mood, relationships, and PA, more orange compared to red MRA was given. Green MRA was most frequently given with regard to smoking, return to work, mood, and relationships. Module use after getting a red or orange MRA was 58.8% and 38.6% for module Fatigue, 55.6% and 52.4% for module Return to work, 25% and 30.3% for module Mood, and 25.9% and 27.3% for module Relationships. Concerning the lifestyle modules, module use after receiving a red or orange MRA for PA was 25% and 35%, for diet 50.4% and 68.7%, and for smoking 48.2% and 42.9%. From the 231 participants, 173 (74.9%) received at least one red MRA, and 192 (83.1%) received at least one orange MRA. On average, the participants were referred to 2.9 ( SD = 1.5) relevant modules (either red or orange MRA, not displayed).