Iris Kanera

4 99 Use and appreciation of the Kanker Nazorg Wijzer APPENDIX 4.1 Determination of the Module Referral Advice-categories (red, orange, green) Return to work The Module Referral Advice (MRA) concerning return to work was based on four items from the extended Cancer Survivors’ Unmet Needs questionnaire (CaSUN; Hodgkinson et al., 2007b; Mesters et al., 2015; Willems et al., 2016) that were formulated as follows: 1) “I need help to make adjustments to my job or to find a new job”, 2) “I need help to find out details about receiving financial support”, 3) “I need help with carrying out my work”, 4) “I need information about rules and legislation on returning to work”. Respondents indicated whether they have no need, a met need, or an unmet need. Strength of unmet needs is rated as weak, moderate, or strong. The item range was 0-5, with a total score range of 0-20. Scores ranging from 0-3 ( no actual need ) were classified into a green MRA, scores ranging from 3-12 ( some needs ) into an orange MRA, and scores higher than 12 ( strong needs ) were classified into a red MRA. Fatigue The fatigue MRA was based on eight items of the subscale subjective fatigue of the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS; e.g., “I am feeling tired”) with an item range of 1-7 (score range of 8-56; Vercoulen et al., 1994). The classification into a green, orange, and red MRA corresponded to the cut-off scores of the CIS subscale subjective fatigue: < 27 =  normal (green), 27-35 = elevated (orange), > 35 = severe . Social Relationships For the MRA classification of social relationship issues, the discrepancy subscale from the 6-item version of the Social Support List (SSL-D) was used (van Sonderen, 2012). The items ranged from 1-4 with a total score range of 6-24 and measures the extent to which the respondent is experiencing a lack of social support. Green, orange, and red categories were constructed by combining the SSL-D with two items from the extended CaSUN. Scores of SSL-D≤ 7 (“social support is just right”) resulted in a greenMRA, scores of 8 and 9 on the SSL-D (experiencing two or three problems with social support) in combination with one of the needs concerning fertility or sexuality resulted in an orange MRA, and scores of 10 or higher on the SSL-D (experiencing at least four problems with social support) resulted in a red MRA. Mood The MRA with regard to mood was based on responses to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS; Zigmond & Snaith, 1983) and the dimension negative adjustment